I will protect those who know my name.

조회 수 8236 추천 수 0 2017.05.23 07:43:48

Lord our God declared: 


Those who love me, I will deliver;

  I will protect those who know my name.


When they call to me, I will answer them;

  I will be with them in trouble,

  I will rescue them and honor them. 


With long life I will satisfy them,

  and show them my salvation.


      - God, Psalm 91:14-16


We have heard so many promises personally and publically and we have made some promises as well. Today,

we meet one of the greatest promises in the human history. God, He made promises us!


If you feel pressure of failure, mistake, or sins, let's come to the LORD our God who loves and forgives us all the time. He is our loving and everlasting Father! Taste Him and His love and protection. "He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler" (Psalm 91:4). Oh, our Father, you are such a wonderful God! We are free and safe in You! We praise Your name! 

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